How old is my Wild instrument ?

A frequently asked question is, "How old is my Wild Heerbrugg instrument?".In some cases this is a very simple questions to answer, in others much detective work is needed.There are a lot of different serial number lists. The following data belong to Levels and Theodolitesand are estimated, not in every case actual.
For other instruments and more accurate data please send me an email with the serial number, the instrument type and a photo.

Here's an example out of the Geodesy folder. It is the first page of the "subtense  bar". According to the list it was first produced as T7 1929. Starting in 1956, then as BL (BasisLatte) 1966 as BL21 and from 1967 to 1985 as GBL3 (Geo-BasisLatte version 3).
Specifically, here is the fact that from 1969 was again further numbered with lower serial number.. This creates the strange situation that a higher series number is not neccesarely the newer subtense bar.


valid for the following types: 

T0, T05, T1, T10, T12, T15, T16, T2, T3, T4, RDS1, RDH1, TC1, T1000, T2000(S), TC2000 

first  last Serial no. produced till the Year
0 5000 1934
5001 10000 1940
10001 20000 1948
20001 30000 1951
30001 40000 1953
40001 50000 1955
50001 60000 1956
60001 70000 1957
70001 80000 1959
80001 90000 1961
90001 100000 1962
100001 125000 1965
125001 158000 1969
158001 176000 1971
176001 200000 1974
200001 250000 1978
250001 300000 1981
300001 325000 1985


valid for the following types:

N0, N05, NK05, NK01, N1, N10, NK1, NK1, NK10, N2, NK2, N01, NK01, NA1, NAK1, NA2, NAK2, N3, B3, K2, RK1, NA0, NAK0, DM1, GDM1

first  last Serial no. produced till the Year
0 5000 1931
5001 10000 1938
10001 20000 1946
20001 30000 1949
30001 40000 1951
40001 50000 1954
50001 60000 1955
60001 70000 1956
70001 80000 1957
80001 90000 1960
90001 100000 1961
100001 125000 1964
125001 150000 1966
150001 175000 1968
175001 200000 1970
200001 230371 1972
230372 330371 not used
330372 400000 1977
400001 500000 1981